Modular Turret C++ Plugin  Version 3
Turret C++ Unreal engine 4 plugin
AMortarProjectile Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for AMortarProjectile:
+ Collaboration diagram for AMortarProjectile:

Public Member Functions

 AMortarProjectile ()
void ExplosionEvent ()
float GetDestoryDelay () const
float GetProjectileDamage () const
void SetAvoidSameTeamDamage (const bool &ShouldAvoidSameDamage)
void SetDestroyDelay (const float &DestroyDelay)
void SetProjectileDamage (const float &ProjectileDamage)
bool ShouldAvoidSameTeamDamage () const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void BeginPlay () override
virtual void OnHit (UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComponent, FVector NormalImpulse, const FHitResult &Hit)
virtual void ProjectileDestroyerTimer ()

Protected Attributes

bool bAvoidSameTeamDamage = false
UStaticMeshComponent * CollisionMesh = nullptr
float DestroyDelay = 2.f
class URadialForceComponent * ExplosionForce = nullptr
UParticleSystemComponent * ImpactBlast = nullptr
class USoundBase * ImpactSound
UParticleSystemComponent * LaunchBlast = nullptr
class UNiagaraComponent * NiagaraImpactBlast = nullptr
class UNiagaraComponent * NiagaraLaunchBlast = nullptr
class UNiagaraComponent * NiagaraTrailParticle = nullptr
float ProjectileDamage = 10.f
class UProjectileMovementComponent * ProjectileMovement = nullptr
UParticleSystemComponent * TrailParticle = nullptr

Detailed Description

Projectile Base class which includes all the logic of projectile launching damaging etc

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AMortarProjectile()

AMortarProjectile::AMortarProjectile ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ BeginPlay()

virtual void AMortarProjectile::BeginPlay ( )

Called when the game starts or when spawned

◆ ExplosionEvent()

void AMortarProjectile::ExplosionEvent ( )

Event Called Before Doing Blast This is a blueprintImplementableEvent which has to be used in blueprint

◆ GetDestoryDelay()

float AMortarProjectile::GetDestoryDelay ( ) const

Gets Destory Delay for Each Projectile After it hits a surface return Float Variable Containing Projectile Delay

◆ GetProjectileDamage()

float AMortarProjectile::GetProjectileDamage ( ) const

Gets Damage Done by Each Projectile Hit on the Character return Float Variable Containing Projectile Damage

◆ OnHit()

virtual void AMortarProjectile::OnHit ( UPrimitiveComponent *  HitComponent,
AActor *  OtherActor,
UPrimitiveComponent *  OtherComponent,
FVector  NormalImpulse,
const FHitResult &  Hit 

On Every Collision of Projectile This Function will be called.This is Called on ComponentHit Function of Collision Mesh of Projectile Mesh.

See also

Reimplemented in AMortarMineProjectile.

◆ ProjectileDestroyerTimer()

virtual void AMortarProjectile::ProjectileDestroyerTimer ( )

Function To Delete Projectiles Actor

◆ SetAvoidSameTeamDamage()

void AMortarProjectile::SetAvoidSameTeamDamage ( const bool &  ShouldAvoidSameDamage)

Sets whether same team damage is allowed or not

[in]ShouldAvoidSameDamageBoolean Value true to avoid same team damage ,false otherwise

◆ SetDestroyDelay()

void AMortarProjectile::SetDestroyDelay ( const float &  DestroyDelay)

Sets Time after which each Projectile will get destroyed after hitting the target Avoid Keeping the value too big for performance issue

[in]DestroyDelayProjectile Destroy Delay

◆ SetProjectileDamage()

void AMortarProjectile::SetProjectileDamage ( const float &  ProjectileDamage)

Sets Projectile Done by each projectile Hit

[in]ProjectileDamageProjectile Damage Amount

◆ ShouldAvoidSameTeamDamage()

bool AMortarProjectile::ShouldAvoidSameTeamDamage ( ) const

Returns True if Same Team Damage is off, false otherwise

Returns True if same team damage is not allowed

Member Data Documentation

◆ bAvoidSameTeamDamage

bool AMortarProjectile::bAvoidSameTeamDamage = false

Whether To Avoid Same Team Damage

◆ CollisionMesh

UStaticMeshComponent* AMortarProjectile::CollisionMesh = nullptr

Mesh of projectile Which will enable collision event

◆ DestroyDelay

float AMortarProjectile::DestroyDelay = 2.f

Time after which projectiles will be deleted. Avoid keep it too large

◆ ExplosionForce

class URadialForceComponent* AMortarProjectile::ExplosionForce = nullptr

This is impulse Force x change in time see wikipedia

◆ ImpactBlast

UParticleSystemComponent* AMortarProjectile::ImpactBlast = nullptr

Particle System That will be emitted on impact

◆ ImpactSound

class USoundBase* AMortarProjectile::ImpactSound

Sound Played on Particle Hit

◆ LaunchBlast

UParticleSystemComponent* AMortarProjectile::LaunchBlast = nullptr

Particle System That will be emitted on Launch from Mortar Gun

◆ NiagaraImpactBlast

class UNiagaraComponent* AMortarProjectile::NiagaraImpactBlast = nullptr

Particle System That will be emitted on impact

◆ NiagaraLaunchBlast

class UNiagaraComponent* AMortarProjectile::NiagaraLaunchBlast = nullptr

Particle System That will be emitted on Launch from Mortar Gun

◆ NiagaraTrailParticle

class UNiagaraComponent* AMortarProjectile::NiagaraTrailParticle = nullptr

Particle System That will be used on the Projectile Mesh like Smoke Trail etc

◆ ProjectileDamage

float AMortarProjectile::ProjectileDamage = 10.f

Damage To Be Done By each Projectile on Successfull Hit

◆ ProjectileMovement

class UProjectileMovementComponent* AMortarProjectile::ProjectileMovement = nullptr

◆ TrailParticle

UParticleSystemComponent* AMortarProjectile::TrailParticle = nullptr

Particle System That will be used on the Projectile Mesh like Smoke Trail etc

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: